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In the software industry especially in project management the game of chicken manifests itself in scheduling and is often referred to as "Schedule Chicken". The condition occurs when teams start committing to unrealistic schedules assuming that other dependent teams are crunching their schedules even more.
Project delivery dates, especially so for new product development, are ridiculously difficult to estimate primarily because:
- Uncertainty is inherent and inevitable in software
development processes and products - Ziv’s Uncertainty Principle
- For a new software system the requirements will not be
completely known until after the users have used it - Humphrey’s
Requirements Uncertainty Principle
- It is not possible to completely specify an
interactive system – Wegner’s Lemma
- Ambiguous and changing requirements, combined with
evolving tools and technologies make implementation strategies
- Requirements being gathered and formally written
- Big designs being made upfront
- Project estimation being made and
- Complex interrelated plans being drawn up.
Even if you were to be brutally honest with every dependency analyzed (which is pragmatically impossible), the date you come up with is never going to be accepted because somebody up the hill won't be able to fit it into his presentation. The inevitable advice will be to slash the estimations which will end up making the already shaky estimates absolutely and firmly unattainable. That the dates don't work is now a open secret in every sense of the word. That said, we live in a dysfunctional corporate culture where you are discouraged from being forthright with the messenger always being the first guy to be shot. The value debt and the culture together setup this cult-like delusion where the dates are committed to in unanimity.
Now the question is how long is this charade going to last? Most likely till the the first significant milestone in the project. The next obvious question is who is the guy who is going to blink; who is the chicken? Most likely it is going to be a "not so experienced" project manager or a service vendor. The chicken in most cases is crucified and accused of every incompetence conceivable under the sun. Once the chicken has been labeled an outlier, shot and killed; everyone else readjusts the dates and the game starts over to find the next chicken.
The real problem with Schedule Chicken is that it delays the inevitable, hurting the project schedule and driving up the cost. It prevents the stakeholders from looking at the root cause of the problems and taking corrective action early on.
The bottom line is that the game of chicken will not only disembowel the chicken but will also nuke the project. Schedule Chicken is a dangerous game to play!
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